Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Visit Jami Gold's Cool Site For Writers

Jami Gold, a paranormal writer, has some worksheets that kick butt.

Wish I'd thought of her branding idea: Beach Reads With Bite.

But then my heroes don't bite. 

Take a look at some of these worksheets Jami lists: 

* With the exception of the Save the Cat Beat Sheet, which was developed by Elizabeth Davis.
(Click each image to view larger version.)
Thank you, DeAnn Sicard for sending me to Jami's site!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Life Lessons

There was a time, when... 

I didn't like my circumstances, so I tried "correcting" my surroundings. That only got me so far, so I attempted changing others. When that didn't work, I tried making over myself. All that did was point out things that were still out of my control. So I complained to God, who asked what my plan would be.

He's still laughing.

Now I'm studying Buddhism. Maybe there are more answers within than without. I'm open to learning and receiving. Maybe an epiphany or two is in order, but they won't be much good without action. Just sucks that in order to gain the peace I need, I'll have to give up what drives me crazy.